Sunday, January 30, 2011

The new 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro.

The new 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro.

New Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors.
The new Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors boost performance up to 50 percent over the previous generation. Based on Intel’s latest 32-nanometer process technology, these are the fastest dual-core processors available and they set an all-new benchmark for Mac notebooks.1

Turbo Boost.
Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors also feature Turbo Boost. If you’re using processor-intensive applications like Aperture 3 or Final Cut Pro that would benefit from an extra performance kick, Turbo Boost dynamically increases the speed of one or both cores, taking a 2.66GHz MacBook Pro all the way up to 3.33GHz.

Built-in Hyper-Threading allows two threads to run simultaneously on each core, so Mac OS X recognizes four virtual cores instead of just two. When you’re running multiple applications at once, the Core i5 and Core i7 processors spread tasks more evenly across a greater number of cores — so you can get more done, faster.

Integrated memory controller.
Unlike systems that connect memory to the processor through a separate controller, the new MacBook Pro uses an integrated memory controller to connect memory directly to the processor. In a sense, this cuts out the middleman. With faster access to memory, each core gets right to work on your data, rather than waiting for it to arrive. Together with up to 4MB of shared L3 cache, the integrated memory controller ensures MacBook Pro can keep up with you.

Next-generation graphics.
Inside the 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro models is the new NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M discrete graphics processor — the fastest graphics ever in a Mac notebook. With 48 processing cores and up to 512MB of dedicated video memory, this graphics processor delivers even more horsepower than the previous generation. And you don’t have to sacrifice efficiency for speed: The NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M is up to 30 percent more energy efficient than its predecessor. For even greater power savings, MacBook Pro also includes integrated Intel HD Graphics.

Outstanding Performance
Up to 1.5x faster than previous-generation MacBook Pro1

Final Cut Studio
HDV to H.264 encode
Modo 401
3D rendering
Motion 4.0.2
Playback and export speed
Aperture 3.0.1
Common application tasks

MacBook Pro i5
15-inch: 2.4GHz
Intel Core i5
4GB Memory
320GB hard drive1
SD card slot
Built-in battery (8-9 hour)2
Intel HD Graphics
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M with 256MB

some specification for FCP users:
*Turbo Boost:
Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors also feature Turbo Boost. If you’re using processor-intensive applications like Aperture 3 or FINAL CUT PRO that would benefit from an extra performance kick, Turbo Boost dynamically increases the speed of one or both cores, taking a 2.66GHz MacBook Pro all the way up to 3.33GHz.

*Outstanding Performance:
Up to 1.5x faster than previous-generation MacBook Pro1

Final Cut StudioHDV to H.264 encode 1.5x

Modo 4013D rendering 1.4x

Motion 4.0.2Playback and export speed 1.2x

Aperture 3.0.1Common application tasks 1.1x

Aprox. price Rs: 82,700/-

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

101 Amazing Ways to Reduce STRESS

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier
2. Prepare for the morning the night before
3. Avoid tight fitting clothes
4. Avoid relying on chemical aids
5. Set appointments ahead
6. Don't rely on your memory ... Write it down
7. Practice preventive maintenance
8. Make duplicate keys
9. Say "no" more often
10.Set priorities in your life
11. Avoid negative people
12. Use time wisely
13. Simplify meal times
14. Always make copies of important papers
15. Anticipate your needs
16.. Repair anything that doesn't work properly
17. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
18. Break large tasks into bite size portions
19. Look at problems as challenges
20. Look at challenges differently
21. Unclutter your life
22. Smile
23. Be prepared for rain
24. Tickle a baby
25. Pet a friendly dog/cat
26. Don't know all the answers
27. Look for a silver lining
28. Say something nice to someone
29. Teach a kid to fly a kite
30. Walk in the rain
31. Schedule play time into every day
32. Take a bubble bath
33. Be aware of the decisions you make
34. Believe in yourself
35. Stop saying negative things to yourself
36. Visualize yourself winning
37. Develop your sense of humor
38. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
39. Have goals for yourself
40. Dance a jig
41. Say "hello" to a stranger
42. Ask a friend for a hug
43. Look up at the stars
44. Practice breathing slowly
45. Learn to whistle a tune
46. Read a poem
47. Listen to a symphony
48. Watch a ballet
49. Read a story curled up in bed
50. Do a brand new thing
51. Stop a bad habit
52. Buy yourself a flower
53. Take time to small the flowers
54. Find support from others
55. Ask someone to be your "vent-partner"
56. Do it today
57. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
58. Put safety first
59. Do everything in moderation
60. Pay attention to your appearance
61. Strive for Excellence NOT perfection
62. Stretch your limits a little each day
63. Look at a work of art
64. Hum a jingle
65. Maintain your weight
66. Plant a tree
67. Feed the birds
68. Practice grace under pressure
69. Stand up and stretch
70. Always have a plan "B"
71. Learn a new doodle
72. Memorize a joke
73. Be responsible for your feelings
74. Learn to meet your own needs
75. Become a better listener
76. Know your limitations and let others know them, too
77. Tell someone to have a good day in Latin
78. Throw a paper airplane
79. Exercise every day
80. Learn the words to a new song
81. Get to work early
82. Clean out one closet
83. Play patty cake with a toddler
84. Go on a picnic
85. Take a different route to work
86. Leave work early (with permission)
87. Put air freshener in your car
88.. Watch a movie and eat popcorn
89. Write a note to a far away friend
90. Go to a ball game and scream
91. Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight
92. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
93. Remember that stress is an attitude
94. Keep a journal
95. Practice a monster smile
96. Remember you always have options
97. Have a support network of people, places and things
98. Quit trying to fix other people
99. Get enough sleep
100.Talk less and listen more
101.Freely praise other people

Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE'.
shukran surfers....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

UAE General Portals

1    General Information Authority

Governmental body that offers all information technology consultancy and training for UAE ministries and other governmental bodies; has links to UAE statistics (census, education, health, financial, agricultural, cultural), government departments etc

2    UAE News and Information

Official web site of the UAE ministry of information and culture; offers a comprehensive guide to the country and its political system; visa information; travel tips, night life; museums; hotel guide; shopping and arts

3    Dubai Government Portal

E-governance portal site of the government of Dubai; has sections on setting up a business, registration/licence requirements, education, employment, health, housing, justice, tourism etc

4    Abu Dhabi News

Part of the World News Network; contains news from Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates and around the world

5    AME Info: Country Guide to the UAE

Provider of business information in and about the Middle East region; this section on the UAE has info on passports/visas, money, public holidays, accommodation, resorts and excursions, sports and activities, social profile, business profile etc

6    Arab Decision

Exhaustive searchable database of Arab institutions and decision makers in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the UAE; examples: head of state, head of government, army and armed forces, legislative system, judicial system, etc

7    Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, Dubai

State organisation that focuses on the international promotion of Dubai's commerce and tourism interests; plans, supervises and develops the tourism sector in the emirate of Dubai

8    Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research

independent research institution dedicated to the promotion of professional research and educational excellence in the UAE and the Gulf Area; site also has a general introduction to the UAE

9    Fujairah Tourism

Web site by the Fujairah Tourism Bureau on the tourist attractions in the emirate; sections on tourist attractions, history, archaeological sites, natural beauty, and tourist maps


Portal site on Dubai; sections include city life, lodging, dining, shopping, business, entertainment etc

11    Just Click Dubai

Portal site on Dubai; contains listings of cinema theatres, restaurants, car rentals, hotels, shopping outlets, stocks, news, communities, etc

12    Lonely Planet Guide to the UAE

Introduction to the UAE: facts for the traveller, when to go, events, money & costs, attractions, off the beaten track, activities, history, culture, environment, getting there & away, getting around, and further reading

13    Netpiper

Portal site for the UAE; offers e-mail, chat, news from around the world, online classifieds, a web directory etc

14    Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority

Government agency set up to promote commerce and tourism within the emirate of Sharjah; web site contains information on Sharjah's culture and heritage, tourism facilities, sports, business, education, etc

15    The Emirates Network

Portal web site for the UAE; contains a directory of UAE web sites and sections on automobiles, business, computers, entertainment, health, Islam, kids, etc

16    United Arab Emirates

Web site giving details about the formation of the UAE, the individual emirates, doing business, history and government, national anthem, religion, economy, climate, location, geography & environment, population, etc

17    Arab Gateway: UAE

Portal to the Arab world; has a section on the UAE

General Portals

18    Dubai City Guide

Portal site on Dubai; information on hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs and bars, transportation, financial services, recreation and sports, education, airlines etc

19    Dubai Lime

Dubai portal site; features blog, original music, information on Lime parties, news, free classifieds, message boards, business directory, info on Dubai events etc

20    Dubai Top 10

web site for travellers to Dubai; information on beaches, gold, hotels, golf, watersports, carpets, desert, restaurants, nightlife, parks etc


Web sites set up to offer to French speakers and Francophones information about the Middle East; has sections on various countries, business news, sports, tourism etc

22    Grapeshisha

Online resource providing information and insight on the UAE; has a collection of links in sections like city guides, news, blogs, groups, government sources, entertainment, newsletters and general information

23    Maktoob

Portal site described as the world's largest Arab online community

24    The Country and People of the United Arab Emirates

General portal site containing information on the UAE; has links to other sites with information on the country

25    UAE Country Profile -- BBC

Has general info about the country, including its rulers, population, area, life expectancy, GNI per capita, international dialling code etc

26    Weyak

Portal site of Etisalat; sections: mail, blogs, forum, chat, photo album, movies, news, sports, Islam, travel, jokes, etc


Part of The Emirates Network group of web sites; sections: the basics, living here, related links, UAE news, photo gallery etc

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